
Finding Your Online Space: 5 Advantages of WordPress Hosting

When you’re trying to pick a web hosting plan, it can be just as confusing as deciding on a cell phone plan—figuring out the data you need and what kind of web hosting will be best for you. This can be a key factor in assessing your business’s growth and scalability. If you make the wrong choice, the wrong investment could be a massive cost of time and money.

Although the perfect cell phone plan seems impossible to find, managed WordPress hosting has many advantages, making it the best option for most WordPress websites. Managed WordPress hosting plans offer better performance and more features than traditional hosting plans for most WordPress websites. 

The Value of Managed WordPress Hosting

A managed WordPress hosting service can take care of infrastructure and provides customer support. The host often installs WordPress and configures the server for optimal WordPress performance. This gives you more time to focus on your business while giving less attention to your online portals.

In this post, we’ll share the five Advantages of managed WordPress hosting.

1. Easy to Navigate and Optimise

With a managed WordPress host, you can have a WordPress site up and running in just a few minutes. Most hosts provide a guided wizard to help with installation and configuration. All you need to complete is answer a few queries, and you’ll have a blank WordPress site you can start editing.

The web host uses server configurations that follow best practices for WordPress optimisation, making it easy to optimise your website.

2. Excellent Server Tools

With managed WordPress hosting, you can easily flush your cache and access other server tools without relying on someone else to handle it for you. Most plans also include automatic support for creating staging sites and pushing changes from staging to production.

3. Faster Than Other Hosting

Managed WordPress hosting services are often faster than cheaper shared hosting plans since the servers are optimised for WordPress. If your site slows down, upgrading from shared to managed hosting may help.

Managed to host plans often include extra features to help speed up your websites, like image optimisation and content delivery networks.

4. High Security

WordPress is secure if you follow best practices. For example, managed WordPress hosting includes automatic updates and extra security measures to stop anyone from gaining unauthorised access to your website’s back end.

5. Smooth Auto-Updates

If you always push off updating your computer’s operating system, you might want to consider using a managed WordPress hosting service. Managed service automatically updates your WordPress system and any plugins you might have. Keeping your WordPress system and plugins updated can help prevent security breaches. 


As you can see, WordPress hosting has many advantages over other types of hosting. If you’re considering starting a new WordPress website, you might consider using managed WordPress hosting. You’ll get more features at a better price than many other hosting options.

If your current hosting is slow, has poor resources, or doesn’t offer the security you need, you might lose potential customers. By switching to a managed WordPress hosting plan, you’ll get a safer, faster, and more secure website.

If you’re thinking about a managed service, check out our services and see how we can assist you in getting the best hosting for your site. At Hosted WP, we specialise in managed WordPress Hosting and management services. For more details, contact us today.

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