
What To Know On WordPress Site Speed and Site Loading Times

Everyone knows that website speed is important no matter what the site in question is. According to Google, the best rule of thumb is to have a loading time that’s no more than three seconds. The chances of a bounce (a term used to refer to visitors that leave almost immediately) have been found to be 32% for 1-3 seconds of loading time. That goes all the way up to 90% when the loading time is five seconds onwards. The best way to keep visitors is to have less than three seconds of loading time on average.

What are good ways for page loading times to be lessened?

There are a number of things that can be done for WordPress websites to be quicker. One of the simplest ways to go about that is by the website being cached. Some other ways to go about this include:

Avoid Trackbacks and Pingbacks

There’s a general train of thought that trackbacks and/or pingbacks are a legacy feature. At least for the people who have actually heard of them in the first place. The best way to handle them is to make sure they’re off, since page speed tends to slow down when they’re enabled. Choose Discussion under Settings, unchecking the “allow link notifications from other blogs” option.

Delete Themes And Plugins Not In Use

Both themes and plugins need to be kept updated consistently. That said, a great way for websites to speed up is through themes and plugins that aren’t being used to be deleted. Aside from affecting the performance of the WordPress site, there are multiple security vulnerabilities as well. Themes that are no longer wanted can be deleted from the Themes section under Appearance. The plugins that have to be cleared need to be deactivated, then deleted from the inactive plugins list.

Have A Dedicated Server

Websites that get a lot of traffic will benefit greatly from a key server. A shared server can negatively impact uptime in vital moments. While it’s certainly cheaper for servers to be shared, both RAM and CPU can get clogged. 

Images Should Be Optimized

One of the best ways for a visitor to stay on a website is through engaging them well. A great way to do this is through the use of images. Don’t forget that it’s key for those used in the website to be optimized at all times. Ways to do this include creating an image sitemap, compressing images, as well as adding alt text and titles. That will contribute to the load times going much faster for the overall website. 

Take Hosting Infrastructure Into Account

A great way for site speed to be impacted positively is through a proper hosting environment. Managed WordPress hosting in Perth makes for a much faster website. However, that still depends on technology and the server in question. 


The loading speed of website pages is crucial no matter what it’s being used for. Anytime there’s loading time on a website that takes more than 3 seconds, the bounce rate tends to go up. Great ways to lessen the loading times of websites include images being optimized, taking the hosting infrastructure into account, and delete themes and plugins which aren’t in use. We have a great article with 15 ways to speed up your website that you can also read.

Are you in need of WordPress hosting services in Perth? Contact Hosted WP today! We offer specialised WordPress hosting and management services.

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